The Software industry is young, but not young enough to be called a baby. It has seen both upswings and downturns. During its evolution IT companies have experimented with lot of different roles for its people. People in a Software Product company would be familiar with most of them. Some of them are:
- Software Engineer
- Technical Lead
- Technical Architect
- Customer Support Engineer
- Test Engineer
- Documentation Engineer
- Build and Packaging Engineer
Now imagine if all these roles are packed into a "Super Software Engineer"! If you are in the IT industry, you would be fear struck if you had to take up such a position. But soon such a position would be a reality. I believe it already is!
During the boom time of late 90's and 04-07, companies had to pamper their employees in order to retain them. Hence the work pressure would be kept to the minimal and the perks galore. There were proper boundary lines on who would do what work. Hence the above listed roles made sense.
With IT heading into yet another recession, there is lot of budgetary pressure on the management. The companies want more work done per employee. Some have even started to merge multiple roles into one and the boundary between the roles is fading. This amalgamation would lead to what I call a Super Software Engineer.
In order to survive in the IT industry, engineers would have to take up more roles and become more efficient then ever before. There will be unnerving deadlines and fewer and fewer perks as time passes. The survivors will adapt to the changing situation. The others will move on to other industries. There will be some smart lucky souls who will cling to their jobs!
The number of roles that you have played in your previous organization weighs heavily in your next job interview. Hence its time to buckle up. The IT boom is over!!!
(Just a passing thought while preparing rotis :)
During the boom time of late 90's and 04-07, companies had to pamper their employees in order to retain them. Hence the work pressure would be kept to the minimal and the perks galore. There were proper boundary lines on who would do what work. Hence the above listed roles made sense.
With IT heading into yet another recession, there is lot of budgetary pressure on the management. The companies want more work done per employee. Some have even started to merge multiple roles into one and the boundary between the roles is fading. This amalgamation would lead to what I call a Super Software Engineer.
In order to survive in the IT industry, engineers would have to take up more roles and become more efficient then ever before. There will be unnerving deadlines and fewer and fewer perks as time passes. The survivors will adapt to the changing situation. The others will move on to other industries. There will be some smart lucky souls who will cling to their jobs!
The number of roles that you have played in your previous organization weighs heavily in your next job interview. Hence its time to buckle up. The IT boom is over!!!
(Just a passing thought while preparing rotis :)